Dewey 4th June 2020

The Testimony of Bro John & Sis Evelyn Go. (translated from verbatim) When GGC North was starting, we were very blessed to have Ate (Sis) Nora Rimmer to help us pioneer the church. A lady nurse from the UK, advance in age, so sweet but so on fire for the Lord. Always a joyful disposition and positive in the Lord. She handled different Bible study groups and led visitation teams to share the gospel to many of our contacts. At that time we still do not have any driver. So she is so brave that she learned how to drive the church van and drove herself to visit our contacts. We would remember the times that she would give and share from her own money. She would give to those marginalized poor and needy members of the church. One of the most unforgettable experience we had, was to see the compassion of Jesus lived out in her life. Our member Kuya (Bro) Danny, the husband of Ate Elsa. He was suffering from gangrene in his foot. When you would enter his room, you would smell the offensive and obnoxious smell that is characteristic of this kind of condition. Ate Nora, would use her own money, buy the necessary medicine for treating his foot. She would then go on undressing the wound. Clean it carefully. Apply medicine and honey (as she said would help the healing process). Then re-bandage the wound. She would do that regularly until the gangrene healed. Grace Gospel Church North is so blessed to be established on the sacrifices and love of people like Ate Nora. God is Love. Nothing could be more powerful than seeing the Christ-like love of our Ate Nora. We believe that as she entered heaven, is greeted by the smile of our Lord Jesus Christ, saying, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ May All Glory be to Jesus her Savior Alone. Dewey 04/06/2020